
Who is StreamNxt?

Experts in the edutainment business

StreamNxt works with global brands across the world to bring quality content locally in Somalia by own expert content team spanned across Somalia, Kenya and Europe.

At StreamNxt+, we pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive suite of services designed to bring you the best in Somali entertainment and culture. Here’s what you can expect from our platform:

1. Vast Content Library

  • Movies and TV Shows: Enjoy a wide selection of Somali movies, TV series, and dramas. From classic hits to the latest releases, we have something for everyone.
  • Documentaries: Dive deep into Somali history, culture, and current affairs with our collection of informative and engaging documentaries.
  • Music: Stream a diverse range of Somali music, including traditional songs, contemporary hits, and exclusive releases from your favorite artists.

2. Live Streaming

  • News: Stay informed with live news broadcasts covering local, national, and international events from a Somali perspective.
  • Sports: Never miss a moment of the action with live streaming of major sports events, including football matches and other popular sports.
  • Special Events: Watch live coverage of cultural festivals, concerts, and other significant events in the Somali community.

3. User-Friendly Features

  • Personalized Recommendations: Get tailored content suggestions based on your viewing habits and preferences.
  • Offline Viewing: Download your favorite shows and movies to watch offline, perfect for when you’re on the go.
  • Multi-Device Support: Access our content seamlessly across your smartphone, tablet, laptop, and smart TV.

4. Community Engagement

  • Interactive Features: Join discussions, share your views, and connect with other viewers through our interactive features.
  • Content Creation: Are you a content creator? StreamNxt offers opportunities for you to share your work with a wider audience.
  • Feedback and Support: We value your input. Our dedicated support team is always ready to assist you and address any concerns.

5. Premium Services

  • Ad-Free Experience: Upgrade to our premium plan to enjoy an uninterrupted, ad-free viewing experience.
  • Exclusive Content: Access exclusive content that’s only available to premium subscribers.
  • Early Access: Get early access to new releases and special previews before anyone else.

Join Us

Explore the richness of Somali culture and entertainment with StreamNxt. Download our app today from the App Store, Google Play Store, or visit our website to start your journey with us.


Thank you for choosing StreamNxt+ – your ultimate destination for Somali streaming.


Our client love us!

Amazing customer service both over the phone and in person. The technician was dedicated to a thorough installation.
Amazing customer service both over the phone and in person. The technician was dedicated to a thorough installation.
Amazing customer service both over the phone and in person. The technician was dedicated to a thorough installation.
Amazing customer service both over the phone and in person. The technician was dedicated to a thorough installation.